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 About the creator of zeittraffik

life should not be the funeral march of time!"


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Interview with the creator of zeittraffik

What the hell did inspire you to invest in the idea of  zeittraffik?

Well, actually, I `ve never thought about forming a company like this. Never. But, sometimes never is not a final word and so it happened. I once used to park my car somewhere and however, I coudn`t find a tobacco trafik to buy a park ticket for my car and then, probably because of the fact, that I couldn`t get the right ticket,  I had the thought - it'`s time for a trafik around. Yes, and that might be the point, I made my own trafik, I created the zeittraffik. Even though you can`t buy park tickets in my trafik you can get all the other things you need.


So which things can I buy in your trafic?

Well, pictures, paintings, collages, but as well you can order exhibitions, readings, figure performances, postcards and maybe much more, we`ll see.


What`s the name of your  company?

That`s a bit difficult to explain, but I try. Actually, my company has more than one name. On one hand, it`s the very daring and sympathetic company REISEMOONBOOT FERDINAND. That could be me, but I `m not sure if it`s true. One part of REISEMOONBOOT FERDINAND is travelling through the streets and around the world collecting everything and many things with hands, eyes and minds. And the other part of REISEMOONBOOT FERDINAND is sitting between four walls and creating and producing artistic works out of the swallowed  world collection that was brought home.

Yes, and the other thing is zeittraffik. That`s the more economically thinking part of the company. But as a client you always take the two of them.


My last question for today, "Is it possible to hire REISEMOONBOOT FERDINAND to travel to a specific place to collect  contemporary monuments and produce artistic works there?

Of course, my companies are ready to go anywhere even if you want us to work in arschlochwinkel or sausack. No matter for REISEMOONBOOT FERDINAND and zeittraffik!


That sounds very interesting and in my eyes it should have future. All the best for your business and thank you for the nice interview!






Eva Wassertheurer
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